MikroElektronika MIKROE-2238 Cap Extend Kapasitif Dokunma mikroBus Takılabilir Kart MPR121
Teknik Belgeler
MikroElektronikaKit Sınıflandırması
mikroBus Takılabilir Kart
Öne Çıkan Cihaz
Kit Adı
Cap Extend
Kullanıcı Arabirimi
Kapasitif Dokunma
Ürün Ayrıntıları
Cap Extend click mikroBUS™
Cap Extend click is a mikroBUS add-on board for proximity detection applications to replace of mechanical buttons. The Semtech SX8633 is a Low Power, Capacitive Button Touch Controller (12 sensors) with Enhanced LED Drivers and Proximity Sensing. The 12 sense pins are for capacitive inputs connections. Any conductive object can be used as an input. No external components are required. Also, eight Input/Output (GPIO) pins on either side of the board edges, can be used to drive LEDs.
Click mikroBUS™ Human-Machine Interface Boards
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Teknik Belgeler
MikroElektronikaKit Sınıflandırması
mikroBus Takılabilir Kart
Öne Çıkan Cihaz
Kit Adı
Cap Extend
Kullanıcı Arabirimi
Kapasitif Dokunma
Ürün Ayrıntıları
Cap Extend click mikroBUS™
Cap Extend click is a mikroBUS add-on board for proximity detection applications to replace of mechanical buttons. The Semtech SX8633 is a Low Power, Capacitive Button Touch Controller (12 sensors) with Enhanced LED Drivers and Proximity Sensing. The 12 sense pins are for capacitive inputs connections. Any conductive object can be used as an input. No external components are required. Also, eight Input/Output (GPIO) pins on either side of the board edges, can be used to drive LEDs.