RS Pro Tahrik Kayışı, Kayış Uzunluğu: 1,562m, Kayış Serisi: SPZ

RS Stok Numarası: 136-8443Marka: RS PRO
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Ürün Ayrıntıları

Long Reach

This illuminated bench magnifier is for those needing exceptionally good lighting, plus magnification.,The lens is mounted in a strong ABS head which moves horizontally or vertically. The hinged lens cover can be used as a shield from unwanted reflections and prevent glare and dust. A spring balanced parallel motion arm ensures easy and precise positioning of the head.,1.75 x magnification, 330mm focal length.

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RS Pro Tahrik Kayışı, Kayış Uzunluğu: 1,562m, Kayış Serisi: SPZ


RS Pro Tahrik Kayışı, Kayış Uzunluğu: 1,562m, Kayış Serisi: SPZ
Stok bilgileri geçici olarak kullanılamıyor.

Teknik Belgeler




Ürün Ayrıntıları

Long Reach

This illuminated bench magnifier is for those needing exceptionally good lighting, plus magnification.,The lens is mounted in a strong ABS head which moves horizontally or vertically. The hinged lens cover can be used as a shield from unwanted reflections and prevent glare and dust. A spring balanced parallel motion arm ensures easy and precise positioning of the head.,1.75 x magnification, 330mm focal length.