Elektronik Sigortalar
Electronic fuses, or eFuses as they are also known, are small integrated circuits (ICs) that are used to replace a conventional style fuse within a device. Electronic fuses operate in a similar way to that of a conventional fuse. The eFuse is connected to the main power within a device and features a switch with low on-resistance capabilities allowing the eFuse to operate when an overcurrent or...
1-20 sayfadan 44 ürün gösteriliyor
220,74 TL
220,74 TL Each (Supplied as a Tape) (KDV Hariç)
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220,74 TL
220,74 TL Each (Supplied as a Tape) (KDV Hariç)
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238,38 TL
238,38 TL Each (Supplied as a Tape) (KDV Hariç)
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238,38 TL
238,38 TL Each (Supplied as a Tape) (KDV Hariç)
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