At Eaton, we make what matters work.*

We’re dedicated to improving people’s lives and the environment with power management technologies and energy-efficient products and services that help our customers effectively manage electrical, hydraulic and mechanical power more reliably, efficiently, safely and sustainably. Our manufacturing excellence and innovative products help to make our customers more successful and ourbroad product mix can be found in industries all over the world.

Over the years we have also expanded our expertise and portfolio of products, services and systems. Eaton customers can benefit from the expertise of some of the world’s most respected names including Fulleon and Cooper Bussmann, all coming together to build the brand you can trust to meet your toughest power management challenges.

Our goal is simple: To provide unique solutions across a wide range of markets that keep businesses on the leading edge of change because at Eaton, we make what matters work.*

Featured Products

    X10 sounder beacon combi

  • High-Performance: IP66 and IP69K ingress protection to withstand the elements
  • Customisable: 102 tones, 100 - 120 dB, 6 LED beacon colours, choose to suit your application
  • Flexible: multiple methods of controlling the 4 stage alerts, ideal for retrofit installations.

EasyE4 Logic Modue

  • Up to 11 local expansion modules per base unit
  • 188 available inputs/outputs within a single easyE4 system
  • Large voltage range (DC, AC and UC)
  • 4 programming languages (ST, FBD, LD, EDP)
  • DCF77 synchronisation as well as Ethernet services

EasyE4 Logic Modules

Eaton's new generation of Logic Modules easyE4 convinces users with simple handling, high flexility and versatile options.

DILM 3 Pole Contactors

High operational reliability with a long lifespan, the DILM series of contactors from the xStart system are ideal for AC-1, AC-3, and AC-4 switching.

DC1-Series Variable Frequency Drives

Compact variable frequency drives specifically designed for simple applications. With only 14 basic parameters and outstanding ease of installation.

5P UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply

Eaton 5P line-interactive UPS with LCD and energy metering features. Protects IT and networking devices. Available in tower or rack format.

Eaton's Bussman DMM-B fuse for Multimeters

Eaton's Bussmann Series DMM-B fast acting fuses are the solution for multi-meters protection. They are able to carry 100% of rated current indefinitely.

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