Excellence, Innovation and Quality

Over the last 100 years, FACOM has imposed an unequalled quality standard. This search for excellence is the obsession of the FACOM teams with a range of over

13,000 products, including storage, standard tools, and specialists tools. FACOM utilise cutting-edge technologies to offer a variety of solutions for your industry.

Committed to delivering ground-breaking solutions for automotive and industrial professionals, FACOM has once again set new standards with the launch of the innovative E.516ST Smart Torque Wrench range. For advanced applications where accurate torque is critical, such as the fastening of wheel nuts, vehicle parts production, railway maintenance or industrial repair, the FACOM Smart Torque Wrench ensures precise, high speed operation and increased precision on every job.

Featured Products

    Smart Torque Wrenches

  • Innovative connective torque wrench features Bluetooth technology.
  • Dedicated data exchange cloud based storage app for management analysis and audit trail.
  • Durable construction including IP54 rating for dust and water resistance.

New Smart Torque Wrench

  • Ensures precision and safety, meeting manufacturer torque specifications.
  • Improved efficiency and productivity with quick and easy setup.
  • Illuminated OLED display provides a clear view of all on-screen info.
  • Four LED progress lights deliver 360° visibility with haptic/ visual alert.
  • Favourite sequences can be saved for recurring error free jobs.

Facom Smart Torque wrench

The E.516ST torque wrench ensures fast & effective turnaround of work, with the reassurance of highly accurate results as well as resource management, and a complete record of operations for audit & control purposes, perfect for Workshop & manufacturing management teams.

Tool Storage Solutions

From standalone tool boxes and tool bags, to integrated modular systems & rolling tool cabinets, FACOM has the ideal storage solution to suit your needs.

440 Wrenches

The 440 combination wrench range has been reinvented for you, more control, more power, delivered safely.

NANO Sets & Socketry

The Facom Nano sets and socketry offer multiple tooling options in the palm of your hand. One set, hundreds of applications.

Popular Categories Facom

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